
Studying with precautions during covid 19

Sinai University > Arish News > Studying with precautions during covid 19
Studying with precautions during covid 19

SU academic year (fall semester) started today Saturday 17/10/2020 at Arish campus. All the precautionary & social distance procedures were carefully followed during covid phase
The university will always put the students safety first and all our team will do their best and utmost effort to benefit students during this hard time.

Wishing all the students a successful & a happy semester


بدء الدراسة يوم السبت ١٧/ ١٠ /٢٠٢٠ لفصل خريف ٢٠٢٠ بفرع جامعة سيناء بالعريش مع الالتزام التام بالاجراءات الاحترازية الصحية والتباعد الاجتماعى ،والجامعة تتمنى لجميع منتسبيها فصلاً دراسياً موفقاً وسعيداً إن شاء الله